
Kellie Dearman is a certified Yoga Instructor (200+hour) practicing for 24 years. I began teaching in 2005 and currently teach about 12 sessions a week. Although I initially took up yoga as a way to incorporate more movement into my life, yoga soon became much more than that. My practice is always deepening as I continue to incorporate this comprehensive spiritual practice into all aspects of life. Yoga has enabled me to find a deep sense of spiritual connection and inner peace that I can draw on at all times.

I love teaching gentle hatha yoga, yin and chair yoga, and meditation at my home studio in Stirling. I also take private clients for mindfulness/trauma sensitive yoga practices for individuals dealing with PTSD and other stress-related conditions, specializing in anxiety, trauma and mobility issues.

In the fall of 2023, Aware Yoga welcomed teacher Colleen Thompson to the studio. Colleen is a graduate of the Akasha Yoga Academy‘s Hatha Yoga Teacher Training and is currently studying Yin Yoga with them.  Colleen teaches a very similar style to Kellie and is currently running classes Tuesday evening and drop-in by schedule alternate Saturday mornings.

Yoga Teacher Training


200+ yoga teacher training with Glenn Mifsud of Stillpoint Yoga (now retired) and Dr. Gerry Lin. This intensive training took place over a one-year period, and followed closely in the Sivananda style and tradition.

Further trainings and self-study have lead me to follow more closely with the Krishna-macharya school and it’s many teachers.


Completed two 30-hour workshops. The first was Trauma-Informed Yoga with Caroline Owen of Wavelengths Yoga, and Sarah Schlote of The Refuge. The second was Trauma Sensitive Yoga Teacher Training with Brendon Abram and Dr. Bob King.

Continuing Education


Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
Teachers: Kimeiko Dover, William Lee Rand, Completed 2019

Slow Yinyasa
Teacher: Coby Kolowski

Yin Enhancements
Teacher: Marta Erickson

Bandha Yoga
Teacher: Dr. Ray Long

iRest Yoga Nidra
Teacher: RIchard Miller

The Anatomy and Physiology of Meditation
Teacher: Leslie Kaminoff


Breaking the Heart Wide Open
Teacher: Kelly McGonigal

Ways of Seeing
Teacher: Natasha Rizopolous

Freedom Yoga
Teacher: Erich Schiffman
Kripalu Retreat Centre

The Basics of Yin Yoga
Teacher: Bernie Clark

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
Teacher: Andrea Pelosa

Wisdom Warriors
Teacher: Desiree Rumbaugh

Embodied Anatomy: Proprioception is a Teachable Skill
Teacher: Jill MIller

Trauma Sensitive YTT

Trauma Sensitive Yoga
hosted by Vidya Yoga
Thornton Ontario
October, 2018

Trauma Sensitive Yoga
hosted by Get Yoga/Aware Yoga
Trenton Ontario
November 2018

Trauma Sensitve Yoga
hosted by Upward Dog
Ottawa, Ontaio
April, 201

Trauma Sensitive Yoga
hosted by Upward Dog
Ottawa, Ontario
September 2018

Trauma Sensitive Yoga
hosted by SOS
London, Ontario
May, 2018

Trauma Sensitive Yoga
hosted by Get Yoga/Aware Yoga
Trenton Ontario
November 2017

Trauma Sensitive Yoga Training
SOS, June 2017, London, Ontario

Trauma Sensitive YTT
(30 hours)
Rama Lotus Yoga Centre
Feb 2016

Trauma Sensitive Yoga
hosted by Living in the Self
Lakefield Ontario
September 2015,
July/Sep 2016

Trauma Sensitive Yoga
hosted by Get Yoga
Trenton Ontario
November 2015

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