Yoga Online.... anytime!
Join Aware Yoga Library!
Drawing from 20 years of experience, I’ve created a library of classes specifically aimed at a more mature student. Every video that you play has been created with the older body in mind…. from super gentle to more challenging, you can check in with your self each day, and decide which practice is right for you.
Want guided meditations? I have them. Want to learn breathing practices for calming and relaxing? I have them. Need to practice from a chair? I have those. Need to start from standing? I have those too. Need to get loose on the floor first? I absolutely have you.
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Why Choose this Library?
I truly specialize in yoga for older adults
I've been teaching Older Adult yoga for many years. I teach in a way that is adaptive and sensitive to an older body, but at the same time understands it's amazing strength and resilience.
- I am over 60 myself, so I get what it's like to deal with everyday stiffness, aches and pains
- I start where we are at.... older bodies need a little TLC before they are ready for challenge.
- My instructions are clear and concise. I teach strictly by demonstration and verbal cueing, so my words need to be very accurate and safe.
My students range in age from about 40 to well over 80
We are not all in the same type of body. But yoga can work for everyone, with the right instruction
I've listened to every kind of physical issue and teach adaptations (or advise you NOT to do what isn't good for YOU)
Gentle but Firm
The old adage "use it or lose it", is unfortunately so TRUE. But you CAN regain mobility, flexibility and strength, guaranteed!
Need more convincing...?
Here some words from students about Video Library and Online Yoga

Theresa T
"I have been doing yoga with Kellie for years. I depend on her membership site to keep me agile. I practice at least twice a week with Kellie and my physiotherapist told me to keep doing what I am doing as I am in GREAT shape for an 80 year old."

Karin P
"Just did a yoga class this evening from 4 to 5. It felt great and very convenient to be able to do it whenever it fits in my schedule! Thanks so much for making these classes available!"

Tammy W
"I have never met Kellie in person, but I have been doing her classes online for several years. She is a wonderful instructor, and I want to thank her for sharing her yoga knowledge and expertise, especially during those difficult pandemic times."
It's Time for you to Take Charge! Move your body.... Calm your mid
Yoga is all-in-one Self Care
Incorporating a yoga practice into your life WILL improve your physical and psychological well-being. When I first began doing yoga, I quickly realized that this was a practice for LIFE. I was fortunate to have landed into the hands of an older, and much wiser yoga teacher, which I know is not always the case for people. If YOU believe that yoga is not for you because of a previous experience, then I urge you to remove those false beliefs and start again. A gentle hatha yoga practice will help you regain your mobility, improve your flexibility and make you stronger. It will also give you the skills to navigate the constantly changing mental and emotional currents we all experience day to day, moment to moment.
The Library is sorted into 8 categories
Different Levels and Lengths of Practice
The library offers classes from an absolute beginner class through to an intermediate level which is still gently and geared to older adults. There are also a variety of class lengths available, so if you only have 20 minutes and need a super gentle class, there's one for you.
- Beginner
- Gentle
- Intermediate (but still gentle)
Chair Yoga
Again, don't let the name fool you. Although these classes start on the chair, they still offer a fair amount of challenge, and are perfect if you are dealing with severe back, knee or hip issues. You're going to build strength and regain mobility, as well as benefit from the mindfulness practices that are included.
Pose Instructions
Sometimes it's good to get specific instructions about a pose you might be struggling with. Included in the Poses Category are also detailed instructions for the Gentle Flow I almost always include in a class, the Swan Dive, and also there are instructions for those interested in the full Sun Salutation (most classes do NOT include Sun Salutations)
Yin Yoga
Yin yoga is extremely slow, but don't let that fool you. Unlike hatha (which is what most yoga is), yin works on the connective tissues of the body. Once the muscles have released, within the first half minute or so, the work begins on building strength and resilience into the ligaments, tendons, joints and fascia. The experience can be intense, but is deeply restful afterwards
Meditation is simply the learned skill of bringing your full attention into the present moment. The library includes a variety of audio and video selections that will guide you to get that busy mind into a quieter place. Most of these practices are 20 - 40 minutes long.
Breathing Practices
Yogic breathing practices have so many benefits, from simply helping us to get to a calmer place. I give breathing cues constantly while I teach. When you learn to combine breath and movement, your practice becomes more mindful, more meditative. There are also a selection of more complex breathing practices available in the library.
Sign up Now and Get Instant Access
Pay by the Month
- Access to my entire video Library
- Beginner, Gentle and Intermediate classes
- Detailed instructions for specific poses
- Yin yoga classes
- Chair Yoga Classes
- Meditation and Breathing Practices
- Classes of various lengths and for specific issues
Save More and Pay by the Year
- Access to my entire video Library
- Beginner, Gentle and Intermediate classes
- Detailed instructions for specific poses
- Yin yoga classes
- Chair Yoga classes
- Meditation and Breathing Practices
- Classes of various lengths and for specific issues